Connections for Innovation
Connections for Innovation is Petrobras' open innovation program.

Through it, we promote a series of initiatives to intensify our integration with the innovation ecosystem, especially science and technology institutions, universities, startups, companies from different sectors and entrepreneurial researchers.

We are talking about an environment of real opportunities for the market, whether to learn about Petrobras' main challenges, present and technically discuss potential solutions, or to jointly develop technologies, taking advantage of the know-how of our specialists, our laboratories and our experimental park.

If you are in the world of innovation, there is certainly room for you at Connections.


If you have any questions, please contact us via email.

Do you want to be updated about all new innovation opportunities and challenges of Connections for Innovation Program? Access here and register your email!

If you want to share the open opportunities and spread the word in your WhatsApp and Social Media groups, downloads the e-book version of our opportunities bank here!

Our modules:

Innovating is also connecting to learn and share knowledge. Therefore, Petrobras develops different projects and programs to expand these connections.
Pasta aberta com números, que representam os dados, saindo do objeto.

We are looking for people working in the technology area or software developers to work collaboratively by making source codes and data available on the GitHub platform.

Desenho de um foguete

We seek startups and small companies to develop innovative solutions and business models that meet relevant challenges in the oil, gas and energy industry.

Desenho de duas mãos se entrelaçando com um aura em cima representando a parceria de negócios

We seek universities, companies and science and technology institutions to carry out technological partnerships and RD&I projects with the potential to solve our challenges with a focus on generating value.

Pastas sendo transferidas de dentro de um computador para fora, uma seta está acima das pastas representando essa transição de tecnologias

We seek companies, ICTs and other agents of the innovation ecosystem to license our technologies with a focus on improving, accelerating, and/or enabling the implementation of new products, processes or services.

Duas engrenagens que se conectam. Uma engrenagem é maior e está na cor preta e a outra é menor na cor verde.

We seek innovative solutions in Brazil and abroad for testing and validation in a real application environment that meet our challenges and have high potential for implementation and value creation.

Desenho de uma pessoa com um béquer ao lado.

We seek science and technology companies or institutions capable of developing solutions for real challenges in our business areas that depend on overcoming the technological risk for implementation.

icone do modulo residentes com 3 pessoas representadas

We are looking for highly qualified professionals, both from academic and market spheres, to collaborate with our team of researchers to contribute to the research and development of technologies at Petrobras.