The Solution Acquisition Module expands our open innovation strategy, in which we seek to implement creative ideas with a high potential impact on productivity or safety in the oil, gas, and energy sectors.
In this module, we look for companies that present innovative solutions validated or in the validation phase in the market, with the potential to meet selected challenges of Petrobras. The process involves the execution of tests in a production environment to evaluate the performance of the solutions and add value to the business, in addition to meeting our technical and security requirements, reducing risks and uncertainties, and preparing our internal team and the selected companies to supply the technology.
Companies with solutions validated in the tests can move on to a supply and deployment contract at scale, as Petrobras demands.
Solution Acquisition Module - Technology and Inovation - Liferay DXP | Technology and Inovation
Closed Opportunities
To check the results of the challenges, access the link below, enter the Petronect opportunity number and check the details of the process in “Opportunity > Notes and Clarifications”.
7004055380 - Alternative Technology for Drillpipe Drifting
Drifting drillpipes (verify restriction absence along drillpipe stands, with inner diameter ranging 2 – 4 ½” and total length ranging 25 – 45 m) is performed physically: spheres or stick “rabbits” (limited simultaneous operations) are dropped from the top of the stands racked (work at height risk exposure) and must cross through and be recovered at the bottom, causing a delay of 30 seconds and risking to fall inside the well (downtime).
Petronect Opportunity: 7004055380
7003882538 - Detection of Broken Wire in Flexible Ducts
Detect broken wires in the tensile reinforcement of underwater flexible pipelines in operation.
Petronect Opportunity: 7003882538
7003913888 - Digital Tool for Designing Projects
Optimize the design phase of Production Development projects, incorporating new concepts.
Petronect Opportunity: 7003913888
7003954097 - Early Detection of Internal Faults in Transformers
Fault detection through relays whose hardware has a negative sequence differential function.
Petronect Opportunity: 7003954097
See more
Além disso, encontram-se aqui os links para o site da marca Petrobras e suas normas de aplicação e os links para os sites da ANP e da ANEEL, onde constam suas marcas, a legislação que normatiza os investimentos em P,D & I e os regulamentos da cláusula de investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento.
(pode ser ocultado via configurações)
Ambiente de Competitividade
Novas Propostas
Reformulação / Aditivos
Prestação de contas
Encerramento / Devolução de saldo
Fato consumado / RJI
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