Module Technological Partnerships

Here you will find opportunities for the development of new technologies. We celebrate our partnerships when there is a common interest between the partners, always associated with the potential generation of value for Petrobras.

We expect these partnerships to become more agile, diversified and dynamic. Our focus is to allow greater alignment with the needs of the business, with greater generation of value, promoting the increase of highly competent partnerships and thus improving the conditions for innovation.

To partners, our intention is to bring greater transparency about the technological challenges defined by us, equality of conditions, recognition of competence and greater potential.

Come join this journey of innovation!

target audience
Universities, companies of all sizes and science and technology institutions, in Brazil and abroad
Challenges and opportunities in different technological areas of the oil, gas and energy sector.
Opportunities continually posted on this page
Systematized and continuous selection process for the selection of technological partners.
Financial support for the development of the RD&I project*
Cooperation with Petrobras' technical staff for project development
Texto de exemplo
Texto de exemplo

Open Opportunities


In addition, there are links to the Petrobras brand website and its application rules and links to the ANP and ANEEL websites, where their brands, the legislation that regulates investments in R,D & I and the research and development investment clause regulations are made available.

Common Questions
What is the Technology Investment System?
What are the rules for preparing a new project proposal?
What is the Terms of Cooperation for R, D&I Projects Manual?
For a visiting researcher who comes to spend some time in the country, what is the daily rate for this country?
Is it possible to hire researchers in infrastructure projects?
What is the need for accountability?
Is there a need for a single account for each Cooperation Agreement?
How should I do the accountability?
What is relocation?
How important is relocation?
What is the procedure to be adopted in the face of the need to use the income from the financial investment?
Why is it important for institutions to be accredited by the ANP?
Who can be accredited?
Do supporting foundations also need to be accredited by the ANP?
How can I get more information about the accreditation process?
Where should I include my proposal?
What is the “competitive environment”  at SIGITEC?
Who is the new Environment for?
Want to know more about the Petrobras brand?

Use the email: for questions on the following topics:

Competitive Environment

New proposals

Reformulation / Additives



Closing / Balance Return

Fait accompli / RJI

Reviews and Suggestions


We reinforce that emails that do not follow the structure in the Subject field may not be answered.


For matters regarding the use of the SIGITEC system, use the channels 0800-591-5563 and


For better service, we request that when sending the email, the taxonomy in the Subject field is respected: [Selecting Subject] - [SAP No.] or [Process No.] or [Opportunity No.] – Name of Foundation and/or ICT/Brazilian Company.


In case of selection of the Theme Criticism and Suggestions, in the field Subject, use only the Theme.

Important to inform that these messages will not be answered. The content will be analyzed, and if relevant, adjustments to the process will be made and, subsequently, communications will be released.