Module Residents

We are looking for highly qualified professionals, both from academic and market spheres, to collaborate with our team of researchers to contribute to the research and development of technologies at Petrobras.

We understand that increasing the synergy between the people of the innovation ecosystem will provide the solution of problems of the business areas with high complexity, the anticipation of deliveries and the acceleration of the learning curve of emerging technologies, adding value to our business.

The resident researchers work in the Petrobras offices, using our computer resources and state-of-the-art laboratory infrastructure.

Come be part of the team of high technical excellence for technological solutions of the energy industry.  


Target audience
National and international researchers (from graduation to postgraduate) from the several areas of knowledge that support technological advancement in the energy and decarbonization industry. 
Have specialized knowledge to provide innovative solutions together with the Petrobras team. Researchers will be selected according to the curriculum and adherence to the challenge.
The opportunities will be published on the portal periodically as needs arise. The time of operation together with our team may be varied depending on the complexity of the problem, and may be up to 1 year. 
Assist in the construction of innovative solutions for the energy and decarbonization industry. 
 Being able to act in the largest research center in Latin America with interactions with several technological partners.
Have access to computational and laboratory infrastructure for the development of applied research.
Acting in partnership with Petrobras professionals in different industry problems, increasing the technical background in the area of operation.
Adicione a sua descrição aqui.

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Texto de exemplo
Documentação (pode ser ocultado via configurações)

Além disso, encontram-se aqui os links para o site da marca Petrobras e suas normas de aplicação e os links para os sites da ANP e da ANEEL, onde constam suas marcas, a legislação que normatiza os investimentos em P,D & I e os regulamentos da cláusula de investimento em pesquisa e desenvolvimento.

(pode ser ocultado via configurações)

Perguntas Frequentes
Utilize o email: para dúvidas sobre os temas abaixo:
Ambiente de Competitividade
Novas Propostas
Reformulação / Aditivos
Prestação de contas
Encerramento / Devolução de saldo
Fato consumado / RJI
Críticas e Sugestões

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Fone: 0800-591-5563

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[Tema Selecionando] - [N° SAP] ou [N° Processo] ou [Nº Oportunidade] – Nome Fundação e/ou ICT/Empresa Brasileira.

Os e-mails que não seguirem a estrutura no campo Assunto poderão não ser respondidos.